Have I told you how much I love Soft Scrub products. They make my cleaning life so much easier. Everyone needs the proper tools and this is a must have in your cleaning bucket. Soft Scrub has come up with another great product-Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleaner with Bleach

Turn your clean routine upside down!
Introducing Soft Scrub Total All Purpose Cleaners
Now you only need one product to clean your entire home.

You can use it as a spray or a foam. You can use it upside down to get to those hard to reach spots. And now that it is All-Purpose, you only need this one bottle to handle all tasks in your cleaning routine.

Go to
facebook/softscrub, and "like" them. They are looking for facebook fans to share 101 great ideas on how you use Soft Scrub. After they hit 101, they are giving away 101 free bottles. As of today 03/04/11, they are only missing 75 more. I have read some of the ideas are going on my list for me to try. I like to use it to clean kool-aid stains on my counters, especially the cherry or grape. I have not found any other product to remove it even after a day or two of it being stained on. So I guess you can make it 74 after I post my great use for my Soft Scrub.

***Disclosure-I am a Soft Scrub captain. I received this product to review. No monetary compensation was received. This product has been Independentmami tested and Indepedentmami approved. These are my opinions from my results, you may have different results.
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