Your support of the Houston Area Women’s Center Race Against Violence will help make all of the following wishes come true. Your gift transforms lives! Please give generously. * Last year, we sheltered over 1,200 survivors. Our shelter is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Women and children up to the age of 18 can stay in the shelter for up to 90 days. Our wish...to provide every client with a safe place, warm bed, food and support services. Shelter housing, meals and support services per person, per night - $43 * Children who witness domestic violence quickly forget how to have fun. Vacations, holidays, and birthdays are ruined by violence. Our wish…to take our kids on exciting excursions that counteract the trauma they have endured. A field trip for children at the shelter - $50 * When a child witness/victim testifies in a criminal case, they must often do so without having any family members present in the courtroom. Our wish…to have a reassuring advocate at the child's side during the trial and testimony. One day of advocacy in court with a child - $150 Our wish….with your help, to never have to turn away anyone who needs our help.
The Houston Area Women's Center has been a member of the community since 1977 and part of the United Way family since 1981. Over the years, we have grown from a grassroots effort run by volunteers to an organization employing over 100 staff members. Volunteers continue to make us who we are by contributing their time, expertise, services and goods to ensure that our agency remains client-focused. We are proud of our ability to direct 88 cents of every dollar towards client services (for more information on our program efficiency, visit Charity Navigator). We look forward to the day when the need for our services no longer exists.
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