I received a free sample of the Ultimate Back-to-School Combo to review from Mabel's labels.
Do you hate your kids misplacing their sweaters, jackets, etc...? Do your kids have the same items and can't tell the difference which one is theirs? Or are you like me and you just have to label everything? I like for my son to be prepared and have his own supplies. I normally use a permanent marker to write his name on all of his things, including his sweaters and jackets. My son, like most kids, leave them laying everywhere.
This year my son is a 5th grader and he gets to go camping. I went camping when I was in 5th grade and it was so much fun. I think I am gonna be ok with the fact that he is going without me. It is scary because he is the shy boy in the corner. He won't tell you he wants to try something because he just doesn't. Mom sometimes has to try things first. But he is very excited and so am I. I think he is old enough for mom to let him a little loose, just enough, not too much.
Thanks to Mabel's labels, we are now packed and ready to go on Wednesday. Check out how cool these labels are and how they fit perfect on all of my son's items.

This is his pillow case he has to carry all his items in

These are his jeans

This label fit his shirt label just right

It came with two teeny tags that I can attach just like I did here to his backpack

We will no longer fight for who's shoes are his or his cousin's, or friend's

All his toiletries are labeled.

This is his pillow, which he leaves at grandma's all the time. So many others try to claim it, not anymore.
These labels were all perfect in size. They were easy to use. I didn't have to fight with a label maker. My son helped to label his own things. I picked a skateboard for the design on his labels. And i also picked his favorite color blue. The labels were all packaged in individual bags with instructions on the front of the bag. The ziplock bags are great to keep the rest of the labels you don't use. But if you are like me, you will go label crazy. Check out the specials they have now....
This limited-time combo pack is available until September 25, 2009.
$39.00 for a pack of 50 Tag-Mates, 40 Skinny-Minis, 16 Shoe Labels, 2 NEW Teeny Tags.
Dishwasher/microwave-safe and UV resistant. Clothing labels are laundry safe.
The name on the labels can be whatever you like to a maximum of 20 characters. Names are printed exactly as you type them.
Also from now until Sept 15 when you spend $80 at Mabel's labels, you will receive a code for $25 to Mabel's labels.
You can view the details on Mabel Moolah at www.moolah.mabel.ca.
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