********************TODAY ONLY*********************
So here is my journey. This week I had alot of homework to do. I clipped coupons like crazy. I got my sales ad on Monday. I studied my ad back and forth. I also went online and seeked blogger help. There were many sites that offered lists and coupons sites. I am not a seasoned couponer but i could not miss this sale. I was not ready at all for i was getting into. I called the store and verified the time they were opening and if they were participating. My store was participating and guess what? My store is a 24 hour store. Sale starts at midnight.
I was running late because i went to a jewelry show. But I was ok. I got my coupons and my ad, my printed list from one of the sites I found, and headed for the store. I arrived to find the parking lot pretty full. I really thought there was going to be a mob but it was not. I went in and grabbed my cart. I pulled out my coupons and went to find my items. There were people working in duos/pairs. It was great to see all these people shopping at midnight. The mood was great. The store played really good music while we went through the obsticle course. There were employees stocking shelves, employees bringing out cart full of merchandise, and of course, us. No-one was fighting, everyone had their own space. We were courteous to one another as we passed each other up. When we met again we would check each other's carts to see what else were we missing. So aisle after aisle I went getting the items I wanted, calculating the prices in my head, wishing someone was there to help me. I finally had had enough. I had a cart full of items, coupons everywhere, and a very, very tired body. I went to go get in line. One cashier, and one at the self register, great. The line was not that long. The cashier was very patient. She rang every item up, as i watched her ring up the lady in front of me, seem to not be caring the crazy people midnight shopping. The rest of us in line talked about our experience as we checked our cart and coupons. I saw items i looked for and did not find in the cart behind but i was too tired to go back. It was my turn. I handed her my Kroger card. She ran the items up one by one. I pulled out all my coupons and fixed them because i had shoved them in a pocket of my purse. I then had to buy my own items, the security guy helped too. Ok, so I total after coupons was $19.91. I had told my fiancee I was giving myself a $20 limit. I hit it dead on. It was a learning experience for me. Next time I really need to be more prepared. I need to go to the store and make my list. I need to go aisle by aisle in order and not from one side to the other. All in all i was very glad I did this. I may not have bought the entire store like some people did but i was content. One of my main goals was to purchse items we need, that we don't already had alot of. This one man did 3 separate trips working in sections was a really good tip. So next time there is a sale like this, I will take all i have learned and shop til i drop.

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