This is my story....In Nov 2008, I got engaged. Yes, finally after 9 yrs of separation from my little boy's dad (a very abusive relationship), I found someone who turned my frown upside down, and showed me how a real man treats his family. But things have not been easy for us. He returned from the military, MARINES, and started going to school. Since he was not working he racked up $20,000.00 worth of debt on his credit card. He stopped going to school and joined the police academy. After graduating, it was really hard for him to get hired. Five months later, he found a department willing to give a rookie a chance. This November will make a year since he found a job as a police officer but since he is still under probation is unable to get a second job or work side jobs. He is still racking up interest on his card, while this whole time I am still paying all of my bills (mortage, utilities, etc...) by myself. To make our luck even worse my son took a fall last year and had to be taken to the emergency room, now I have a $800 hospital bill because my insurance only covers after the deductible is met. Well my son is not a sickly child and only goes for regular well checks ups. With all of this going on, my mom had knee surgery and has been unable to work for 3 months, I am helping her with whatever extra I can. I cut coupons, match prices, and shop at thriftys to make ends meet. I am not sure how I am stretching the dollars but I am. Our wedding is on hold until we can actually pay for it.
This year BlogHer 2009 fell on the week of my birthday, July 24. I would of loved to have attended. I didn't know much about it or what happened at BlogHer but from reading all of the blog posts and stories I know I want to attend BlogHer 2010 in NYC. I have never been to NYC. There is so much to learn from all the bloggers out there. And I am ready to learn. So I, like many others out there are looking for a sponsor or sponsors.
Please pick me....

Pour Some Sugar On Me & Mommy PR are teaming up to send a very deserving blogger to
BlogHer 2010 in NYC!
Thank you for sharing your story :-)
I have your submission.
Angela :-)
Mommy PR
Oh my. I feel your pain.
My mom undergoes almost all the same things that you are facing. Dad is working too, but still not enough for us to survive even for just a month. Life is so hard, and I salute my mom for not breaking down so easily (though I sometimes get to hear her cry at night). She's such a tough cookie. And I know all moms, including you, are. :)
Hugs Hope things get better for your family soon. Good Luck. Hope to see you in New York IF we both can afford it.
Best of luck to you! Great post. We will be searching thru each post to make sure we select the best entrant! Thanks for entering! woohoo
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