Synopsis: Take out the trash, eat your broccoli—who needs moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out just how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Produced by the team behind “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and “The Polar Express,” “Mars Needs Moms” showcases Milo’s quest to save his mom—a wild adventure in Disney Digital 3D™ and IMAX® 3D that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader (Mindy Sterling). With the help of a tech-savvy, underground earthman named Gribble (Dan Fogler) and a rebel Martian girl called Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), Milo just might find his way back to his mom—in more ways than one.
¡Saca la basura! ¡Come el brócoli! - ¿Quién necesita madres, después de todo? Milo (Seth Green), un niño de 9 años descubre lo mucho que necesita a su madre (Joan Cusack) cuando ésta es secuestrada por Marcianos que planean robarle sus cualidades de madre para aplicarlas sobre sus propios niños. Producida por el equipo creativo detrás de la película de Disney "A Christmas Carol” y “The Polar Express”; “Mars Needs Moms” cuenta los enredos de Milo en su misión por salvar a su madre - una aventura audaz con la tecnología digital de Disney en 3D™ y en IMAX® 3D, que involucra naves espaciales, viajes por un elaborado planeta construido en diferentes niveles y la toma del control de la nación alienígena y de su líder (Mindy Sterling). Con la ayuda de Gribble (Dan Fogler), un terrícola que vive en el nivel subterráneo del planeta y conoce mucho de tecnología, y una rebelde Marciana llamada Ki (Elisabeth Harnois), Milo intentará acabar con la distancia que lo separa de su madre... no solo física, sino también, emocionalmente.
Our review-I loved this movie. My son and I attended a special movie screening along with my bestfriend and her boys. It was in 3D. The movie was so relatable to my son and I. My son just turned 12 this month and he saw himself in the character. After the movie ended he told me he was going to start doing his chores and listening to me. He said his favorite part was closer to the end. I don't want to ruin the movie for you so I will just tell you that much. I was in tears at some parts of the movie. It had lots of action and intense moments that kept all of us at the edge of our seats. It was funny. Kids of all ages were in the theater and they all enjoyed it. We even clapped at the end. I like movies with substance in them. And this movie had lots of it. It is a great family movie that everyone can enjoy. This movie comes out on March 11, 2011.
Esta pelicula nos encanto y es recommendada por nuestra familia. Es una pelicula perfecta para toda la familia, y ninos de todas las edades. La pelicula sale Marzo 11, 2011.
***Disclosure-My family was invited to a special movie screening of this movie. No compensation was received. This movie has been Independentmami watched and is Independentmami recommended to families. These are my families honest opinions.
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