
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wellness Wednesday - Eye Spy Answers

I have not always had 20/15 vision.  Maybe when I was little but through the years, I had to start using glasses.  And after several years of wearing glasses I decided to get lasik.  Best decision ever.

That is an oldie.  Circa 2007, car selfie.

If you are keeping up with my story, up to now, I have no answers.  My next appointment is with my eye doctor.  (Blurred vision often means there is a need for corrective lenses.) 

Did you know there are different types of eye doctors?

Optometrists prescribe and fit eye glasses and contact lenses to correct vision problems. 

Ophthalmologists are the next level.  They diagnose and treat eye diseases and perform surgeries.

I was referred to an Ophthalmologists. 

My eye doctor is an Optometrists.  He has had my chart for over 10 years now.  The testing he does goes beyond what regular eye doctor's have done previously.  I made the executive decision to go to him first.  (Again, do what make sense to you.  You know your body.)  I figured he has my eye's history.  I shared with him my symptoms and the results from previous doctors.  He ran scans of my eyes and compared them to my scans from previous visits.  The results... there was nothing wrong with my vision.  There were no changes that he could see from previous scans.  He showed me each eye and what he looks for.  He explained the different things that the eye can show.  The eyes can show:

- Diabetes
- Diseases
- Deficiencies

Not sure I have mentioned this but I am under doctor's care for my liver.  It really interested me to see how much my eyes showed. 

And yet, we hit another dead-end.  On to the next.

Stay Tuned... Wellness Wednesday - TMJ

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