
Friday, January 1, 2016

Fitness Friday-Hitting the Reset Button

***Disclosure-Sample product was received for review.  All opinions stated are my own based on my personal experience.

This is how I ended 2015....the workout thing was not working out for me.  There was so much going on but I believe that now I am ready to try this again in 2016.  I am ready to be successful.

I understand how life goes and how busy we get.  I am ready to hit the reset button like many others on January 1st.  I am ready to recommit myself to ME.  Being healthy is a lifestyle change.  I am human and like many we need to set some goals.

Last year I ran the Aramco Houston Half Marathon like previous years, I started and finished:
 I remember the feeling of accomplishment after this race.  I love that rush.  Do you do something that makes you happy?  Running makes me happy.  I keep telling you, it is something I never though I could do.  But I know I can.  Here is what I will be working on:

1)  Goal-I am setting a goal I can reach.  This year I am not running marathons.  I am trying to get back on the pavement.  No matter what is going on I want to run at least 365 miles this year.  Broken down, that is at least 1 mile a day.  I plan to walk 10,000 steps every day. 

2)  Balance-Family -vs-Work.  I have no secrets for you.  All I can say is that I have an awesome husband that helps keep me balanced.  This year I had a lot going on and balance was kinda one sided but it is has started to balance the right way now.  All I can continue to do is keep trying to find balance. 

3)  Focus-I am going to use the 80 20 Rule.  While my life may be falling apart, I cannot change or solve 100% of my problems.  I have spend past years trying to fight a fight I have lost.  A couple of years ago my life really fell apart more than ever and I never thought I was going to survive.  Though I have more support than ever, things really hit me hard and I really went there.  The place of no return.  I lost total focus in the most important things.  This year I did work on focus and the 80 20 rule really did help.  Someone special to me kept telling me chores can wait, life moments will pass us by.  So while I can't fix everything, I will start to focus where I can.  Focus my energy where I can and will make a difference. 

What will you be working on this year?  How will you achieve it?  Let's help each other.

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