
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!!! 2010 here we come....

Hello all,
How is the New 2010 treating you? I hope well. I am still very busy at my full time job. No assistant just a temp. In full swing of our new conversion, trying to keep sain and cool. Yesterday was our first day back and it was a 15 hour day. I don't know about today. Anyways, I wanted to wish everyone a great year. This year promises to be a good one. Tell yourself, believe it, and just do it! We have the power, no-one else.
I hope to accomplish many things this year.
-My wedding- along time coming
-Family vacation-2 yrs in the plannning
-Fit-I lost track of who I was and what all i had accomplished when I lost weight a couple of years back. But this year I am doing soemthing about it for real. I signed up for the YMCA on 12/31/09.
-And many more things....
Join me for my adventures this year. Good luck in yours!!


  1. Hi, many couples overlook wedding insurance when planning a wedding because they don't believe they will need it. After all, there is nothing romantic or exciting about wedding insurance and what could possibly go wrong. How about you?
    -BLOG 0123-

  2. Happy New year!

    Following you from MBC, hope you can visit my site too!
